Peach Syrup
12 cups pureed fresh peaches
1 can frozen orange juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 (20 oz) can crushed pineapple with the juice
1 pkg Pectin
Bring to a boil then boil for 1 minute. Then add:
7 1/2 cups sugar
Bring to a boil then boil for 4 minutes.
To can:
Water Bath: 30 minutes
Steam canner: 15 minutes
Inversion: 5 minutes
Makes 12 (12 oz) jars or about 4 1/2 qts.
*note* We tried the inversion method for canning, but we had less seal that way. I would recommend trying the other two.
Yea! We found out about a orchard near St. George that has great peaches! So we made a whole bunch (3 20 lbs boxes worth!!)
Boy, oh boy, do I miss those peaches! I have given serious thought to going to your old house sneaking peaches from those trees! Hmmm...I don't run as fast as I used to, so I better not...
Thanks for sharing this recipe, Deb! Miss you. ♥
I have had the same thought, which giving that I live 6 1/2 hours away shows you how desperate I am!! Can't wait to see y'all soon!
I'm excited to try some more canning this year and this recipe looks like one we're definitely going to have to use!
I miss your peaches too (and the fact that you would be less than 10 minutes away!)
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